Opening speech
Jan Procházka, Board Member, Czech National Bank
Martin Diviš, President, Czech Insurance Association, and CEO, Kooperativa pojišťovna, a.s.
Inspirational duel: Is our freedom under threat?
Lieutenant General Karel Řehka, Chief of the General Staff, Czech Armed Forces
Jan Romportl, AI consultant and researcher, CEO, Elin.ai
Inspirational interview: Benefits of using artificial intelligence
Matyáš Boháček, student and researcher, Stanford University
Panel I: AI and the future of society
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, questions of ethics, responsibility and especially the future of humanity emerge. How to deal with these challenges? Does the European AI Act help us in addressing them? What should regulation ideally look like, if any? Do we even have a chance of keeping artificial intelligence within desirable limits?
Moderator: Lukáš Benzl, CEO, Czech Association of Artificial Intelligence
Alžběta Krausová, AI law researcher
Miroslav Singer, Director of Institutional Relations and Chief Economist, Generali CCE Holding Generali
Jan Romportl, AI consultant and researcher, CEO, Elin.ai
Lukáš Kačena, CEO, prg.ai
Coffee break
Presentation: In the shadows of ChatGPT – Artificial Intelligence in everyday life and in journalism through the eyes of the Czech population
Václav Moravec, journalist and TV presenter
Case study: Quantum Black
Dario Maggiora, Parnet, McKinsey & Company
Panel II: AI in practice
Artificial Intelligence has found its way into many insurance companies' internal processes such as claims, customer segmentation, setting premiums, etc. In which areas does AI offer the greatest benefit? Or, conversely, where do its greatest limits lie? Are we ready for direct contact with AI in sales? How can we incorporate AI into the control and management systems of insurance companies? Where are the limits to the use of AI?
Moderator: Michala Hergetová
Dušan Quis, CEO, Allianz pojišťovna, a.s.
Linda Tejchman, lawyer and co-founder of „Bruselský cedník“
Zdeněk Drbohlav, founder, Intermap Technologies, s.r.o.
Filip Král, Board Member, Kooperativa pojišťovna, a.s.
Jindřich Hašek, founder and CEO, DataVision s.r.o.
Closing remarks
Jan Matoušek, CEO, Czech Insurance Association
Networking and lunch